Where There’s a Whiteboard, There’s a Way: The Fanatical Doodler Series #4

This is the fourth in a series of blog posts highlighting some of the drawings or doodlings (many of which are a series) that give you a peek into just how addicted to pen and pencil I am!

Where There’s a Whiteboard, There’s a Way

There is just something very satisfying about the way a dry erase marker glides over the smooth surface of a whiteboard. In addition to that, for as long as I can remember, large white spaces have always attracted me as places that need to be filled with drawings.

Early on I occasionally doodled on a whiteboard about as much as any person who likes to draw. Then I started to draw on any board with white space.



Once, after watching The Great Mouse Detective I drew Olivia on a whiteboard near my office which planted an idea in my head.

The Communications whiteboard at CVVC.

What if I started drawing cartoon characters from all the shows I remember as a kid? If I drew several of the main characters from every show I can remember, I would have an almost endless source. Then I thought about how many whiteboards are throughout the building at the church I work at. ‘It would be fun to sneak a cartoon on every one of my co-worker’s whiteboard? What if I hit every whiteboard I could find?’ And so, in 2014, I set out drawing one, maybe two, sometimes more cartoon characters everyday. I would start with one show and when I got into the more obscure characters, I would move on to another show. (The source of my cartoons was a playlist I built on YouTube several years prior to remember all the shows my brother and I used to watch as kids. Its a compilation of show intros/theme songs called Vintage Retro Memories)

After I hit every whiteboard I could find I took a break…for about 3 years. Two drawings, to this date, have never been erased: Rocco Rabbit and Kuma the Cat. Then the bug bit me again in 2017 and I went after everyone’s whiteboards again.

I ran out of whiteboards again, so I’m done for now. But as long as there is a whiteboard, there is way and I will never stop doodling on whiteboards.



New whiteboard drawings after I posted this blog: