Throwback Thursday #26 – Imagination’s Tangibility of Melody

“Imagination’s Tangibility of Melody”, Charcoal, 2010

Artwise, a big part of 2010 for me was preparing for a mission trip to Tokyo in which I planned to do [marker] graffiti in the street to help my team invite people to a young adult church in Machida. I spent a lot of that year teaching myself graffiti technique by reading a book and then practicing as much as possible. That story is pretty well covered here, so I will focus on the other art related things I did that year.

I was 31 and I wanted more than anything to meet “the one” and get on with starting a family. I think I was also realizing that I needed to quit putting my life on hold for those wishes -particularly my art life.

Because of my renewed focus on my art, I took to my charcoals to try some surrealistic or creative juxtapositions. In “Imagination’s Tangibility of Melody”, I wanted to draw a beautiful piece that shows what happens in my mind when I listen to my favorite music (usually electronic music). Of course this isn’t a self portrait because it’s a female. With this type of art I used to always like my subjects to be female because of how attractive the female form is to me. The shape emanating from her forehead is my feeble attempt to depict the nearly indescribable visions or impressions that music creates in my mind. Usually this happens more with the melody of instrumental music as vocals tend to uncover the mysteries and define the purpose of the music too much.


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